- Total Time Spent Online:
- 69 days, 20 hours and 37 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 2754 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 209 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 29 votes
- February 11, 2025, 09:19:56 PM
- Welcome, Guest
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- 12 pm
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- Les chroniques du geek
548 posts of the member's 2754 posts (19.90%)548
- Repêchage
406 posts of the member's 2754 posts (14.74%)406
- Espoirs du CH
216 posts of the member's 2754 posts (7.84%)216
- Rumeurs CH et LNH
134 posts of the member's 2754 posts (4.87%)134
- Divers CH
95 posts of the member's 2754 posts (3.45%)95
- Nouvelles du CH
84 posts of the member's 2754 posts (3.05%)84
- ULYSSE déguisé en DG ! Sans peur , sans crainte et sans complexe
83 posts of the member's 2754 posts (3.01%)83
- Jour de match!
76 posts of the member's 2754 posts (2.76%)76
- Nouvelles LNH/KHL
48 posts of the member's 2754 posts (1.74%)48
- Chroniques Vestiaire.ca
15 posts of the member's 2754 posts (0.54%)15
- Les chroniques du geek
548 posts of the board's 1676 posts (32.70%)32.70%
- Présentez-vous
3 posts of the board's 15 posts (20.00%)20.00%
- Repêchage
406 posts of the board's 7195 posts (5.64%)5.64%
- Pool Vestiaire.ca
12 posts of the board's 260 posts (4.62%)4.62%
- Chroniques Vestiaire.ca
15 posts of the board's 385 posts (3.90%)3.90%
- ULYSSE déguisé en DG ! Sans peur , sans crainte et sans complexe
83 posts of the board's 2820 posts (2.94%)2.94%
- Espoirs du CH
216 posts of the board's 9278 posts (2.33%)2.33%
- Dans l'arène politique avec Doc
8 posts of the board's 383 posts (2.09%)2.09%
- Nouvelles du CH
84 posts of the board's 9794 posts (0.86%)0.86%
- Divers CH
95 posts of the board's 15003 posts (0.63%)0.63%