- Total Time Spent Online:
- 99 days, 7 hours and 35 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 12646 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 1 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 14 votes
- November 02, 2024, 09:42:03 AM
- Welcome, Guest
- 12 am
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- 12 pm
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- 11 pm
- Rumeurs CH et LNH
285 posts of the member's 12646 posts (2.25%)285
- Nouvelles LNH/KHL
200 posts of the member's 12646 posts (1.58%)200
- Jour de match!
178 posts of the member's 12646 posts (1.41%)178
- Divers CH
161 posts of the member's 12646 posts (1.27%)161
- Soccer
97 posts of the member's 12646 posts (0.77%)97
- Nouvelles du CH
91 posts of the member's 12646 posts (0.72%)91
- Espoirs du CH
48 posts of the member's 12646 posts (0.38%)48
- ULYSSE déguisé en DG ! Sans peur , sans crainte et sans complexe
40 posts of the member's 12646 posts (0.32%)40
- Repêchage
37 posts of the member's 12646 posts (0.29%)37
- Nouvelles Soccer
16 posts of the member's 12646 posts (0.13%)16
- Nouvelles Soccer
16 posts of the board's 53 posts (30.19%)30.19%
- Soccer
97 posts of the board's 462 posts (21.00%)21.00%
- Communiqué
2 posts of the board's 33 posts (6.06%)6.06%
- Dans l'arène politique avec Doc
16 posts of the board's 383 posts (4.18%)4.18%
- Chroniques Football
1 posts of the board's 28 posts (3.57%)3.57%
- Nouvelles Football
10 posts of the board's 290 posts (3.45%)3.45%
- Nouvelles LNH/KHL
200 posts of the board's 11199 posts (1.79%)1.79%
- Football
3 posts of the board's 196 posts (1.53%)1.53%
- ULYSSE déguisé en DG ! Sans peur , sans crainte et sans complexe
40 posts of the board's 2797 posts (1.43%)1.43%
- Chroniques Vestiaire.ca
5 posts of the board's 375 posts (1.33%)1.33%